Showing posts with label Retail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retail. Show all posts

22 September, 2024

Convenience over Experience or Vice versa?

At last count, the quick commerce players such as Blinkit by Zomato, Zepto and Big Basket are said to have delivered over 1,000 units of the newly launched iPhone 16 series. In contrast, a single Apple Authorised Reseller (AAR) store – the exclusive Apple franchises across India sold over 150 units a day on 20 Sep. 2024 when the iPhone 16 was launched.

The staff at one of the stores told me Sat. 21 Sep. that the sales was bit dull being the second day while he was confident of selling over 200 pieces on Sunday, as he expects a lot more customers to drop by at the store. There are an estimated 3,000+ AAR in India, though all are not equal in footfalls and revenues. 

During my 40-min hang out at the store, there were at least 30+ Apple aficionados at the store (along with yours’ truly!). I spotted a few kids in their early teens with their parents exploring the new launch of iPhone, Apple Watch among the iPad and iMac. 

Two elderly couples, possibly in their 60s came to have a curious look at the range of Apple products. They seem to have come with an intention to buy, I could make out. 


The typical fanboys and fangirls were engaged in a thorough dissection of the various features of the device even as the store staff struggled to answer many of their tech queries.


There is a charm in offline retail, after all, I reckoned.

Last week, Hari Menon, Founder & CEO of Big Basket, which was launched in 2012 and sold off to the TATA Group in 2021 said at an event that local shops (read Kiranas) were not under the threat of Q-Commerce. 

Incidentally, Big Basket launched its quick commerce service with the iPhone 16 – an order places at 0800 hrs was delivered at 0807 hrs on 20 Sep.


Despite the convenience of doorstep delivery of groceries and household items, pet food, fresh food and everything in between over the last few months, electronic items too, why do people still step out of their homes and shop at offline stores – to buy the iconic Apple devices or Apple, the fruit?

As the adage goes, humans are social animals and need company. They need to simply step out of their physical bondages (read: comfort zone) to get a peak at what’s happening around them and around the world.


Take the film industry’s conundrum, for example. When the OTT model of watching and consuming entertainment took shape during and after the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, visitation to cinema theatres was declared a no-hope zone. Yet, movies are raking in crores of box office collections – the only catch, audience want crisp scripts and not just stellar star cast.

Even though foodtech players like Swiggy and Zomato are minting in billions of dollars annually, offline visits to restaurants has not dwindled. 

For most restaurants, their delivery channel through foodtech is between 15-20%, and consumers continue to visit their premises just like before 2020.


Quick Commerce brings in tremendous convenience for consumers while E-Commerce offers a massive range to shoppers, as they can sift through thousands of products before they buy. 

However, what amount of dent it would create to offline and neighbourhood shops is yet to be seen. “Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost”, as Shah Rukh Khan would say with a grin.

15 September, 2024

AI in RetAil

I had the good fortune to speak early September at one of India’s most prestigious educational institutions, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, which has been a breeding ground for several top technocrats this country has produced. 

Among various notable such people include the current Chairman of the eponymous TATA Group, Mr. N. Chandrasekaran. 

I was invited to speak at RISE 2024, the in-house conclave of the college, where I addressed over 300+ students and faculty members for over 90 mins. 


That I succeeded yet again, keeping the audience awake right after the lunch break, has been a sort of a successful streak to me as a speaker across various conclaves, conferences and events worldwide since 2006. 

Perhaps, it was the intriguing subject that I chose this time around, to keep the listeners not just awake, rather get excited about the possibilities that Artificial Intelligence brings to Retail

Way back in the 90s, my first brush with retail was shopping at the ration shop in our locality every month, where I would be assigned by my parents, the task of bringing rice, sugar and kerosene, among other things. 

Why kerosene – we would use them to boil water for bath using a pumping stove! 

Later on, I witnessed firsthand the early days of organised retail in India, with the mushrooming of concepts such as Lifestyle and Shoppers Stop in fashion and the likes Subhiksha, Stop and Shop, Nilgiris and RPG Retail’s Foodworld in grocery retail. 


When I joined the erstwhile Madras’ first Baskin Robbins ice-cream parlour as a part time employee in 1997, I witnessed and used the billing machine for the first time, which kept a track of the day’s sales.

From there to now, the use of technology in Retail has not just stunned me, rather has kept me guessing on what’s coming next. 


I have been using Apps such as Amazon, Zepto, Swiggy for e-commerce, household and grocery shopping and for ordering food respectively for over a decade now. The amount of machine learning and artificial intelligence used by these companies, especially the likes of Amazon, is very interesting. 

Offline retailers in India have been laggards to embrace artificial intelligence, primarily due to heavy investments that go in to building such modules. However, the choice for them is limited. The writing on the wall is clear - start building AI into your business planning NOW or perish. 


One could argue that even a rudimentary ERP is in nascent stages in Indian retail, let alone AI in Retail. However, the choices we have on hand are extremely limited. 

One of the key reasons for loss of sales is not having the right merchandise at stores, and not lack of footfalls. 

Embracing AI / ML is a must for offline retailers, which was the essence of my presentation at the institution. Will share the link of my lecture here, soon. 

09 August, 2024

People, passion and processes

In a recent post on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), a user from Bangalore posted her recent experience of being a female delivery partner for a day. She chose to work in the “gig economy” at one of India’s top 3 Q-commerce delivery apps, Blinkit.

She narrated the learnings of her day at this part time role in a long thread which gained a lot of attention from many users, including from Blinkit Founder Albinder Dhindsa.

She conceded why she did this trial, that it was just out of curiosity how Blinkit (and other Q-Commerce companies) could deliver orders within just 10 mins.

She highlighted abysmal working conditions at the dark store - a mini warehouse with just a fan, from where delivery partners pick up the stuff, technical flaws, and a few potential improvements in commercial queries such as insurance payouts, how to earn payments, etc.

I initially felt that this was a great PR exercise led by the brand in a surrogate manner for hiring new staff, however when I saw that she had mentioned poor working conditions, I realised that wasn’t the case. The user, who goes by the name Sneha had mentioned that the working conditions were quite poor, without a proper seating place or access to drinking water for the delivery staff.

She also narrated her ordeals getting stuck in the notorious traffic that the Garden city is known for or having to ride through narrow roads and that she apologised to customers for her delayed deliveries.

Sajal Gupta, CTO of Blinkit replied to her a day later that a few enhancements were done in the app, as well as improved working conditions at the dark stores such as putting up seating.

I was curious to note why would a young lady wish to go-the mile to understand a delivery process. When I looked up on Linkedin, I learned that her company is a SaaS platform in warehouse management operations. 

Hopstack, Austin, Texas based company has offices in the US as well as in Bangalore, serving over 25 clients with over 12 mn orders. The company’s key goals include precision in fulfilment coupled with realtime insights and seamless integration.

Now, why I am writing about this episode?

Because I would like to stand up and salute the passion that Ms. Sneha carried in her work. 

While it was her inquisitiveness on how delivery partners operate in a market like India, it was also a very fulfilling exercise to the lady on the professional front, as she could learn first hand what are the pain points that Q-commerce giants in India are currently facing and the associated pangs at the warehouse / dark stores.

Though there are just three top (surviving) players today in the Q-commerce market, such as Swiggy’s Instamart, Zomato’s Blinkit and Zepto, all serving around USD 1 Bn worth of deliveries annually, the space is hotting up with several others pivoting in this format. 

Flipkart has recently launched “Minutes” service, and market is abuzz that Ola (Cabs) is coming back to the delivery business.

Nothing better than to learn first hand at the job role. This professional took that effort, much to the chagrin of her mother as she narrated in another tweet.

Over the years, I have seen so many disinterested staff members who do not move from their coveted seats at workplace and wish to see the world from the little lenses of their eyes. 

First hand knowledge – and it is different across industries – is so vital for professional growth.

Ask any CEO who is leading a large FMCG company today anywhere in the world and these women and gentlemen would have walked the streets, travelled in despatch vehicles and stood beside the shopkeepers to understand how people shop during their formative years.

In my own experience when I used to work for Foodworld Supermarkets around the turn of the millennium, I would stand and observe how home makers, housewives kids and men would shop at India’s first organised grocery retail chain. This was my daily routine from 6pm – 9pm.

When I set-up and ran India’s first airport retail business at Bangalore International Airport in 2008, it was a delight to watch how air passengers would shop, across various categories. There are nights when I have turned up around midnight to witness the shopping patterns of international passengers who were departing from, or arriving in to India.  

However, I have also had the misfortune of working with several co-workers ranging from those with 20+ years’ experience, all the way to freshers and new comers, who prefer the digital route for learning ground realities. 

The result, is that many of them end up suggesting incorrect decisions to the Management, which lead to their, as well as the company’s downfall. 

Ms. Sneha, took the plunge to experiment a gig job, largely known to be a male bastion, all for the love of learning more about the industry she works for. Kudos to her again, her passion and perseverance for taking this initiative.

26 October, 2023

The joys of festival shopping

Come festivals and its shopping time. Families flock together to shop, dine and celebrate the festive times with their extended social circles. While the big ticket shopping such as electric appliances, consumer durables, clothing, fashion, jewellery, automobiles and upholstery for are common, what is intriguing is the endless small-ticket shopping that happens on-and-off during these periods.

Navarathri / Dushera / Dassera / Pujo was celebrated for the past fortnight as I pen this article.

The flavour and fervour of these celebrations is distinct in various parts of the country. In one region, it is Goddess Durga who is worshipped primarily while in some others, it is the trio of Goddesses Durga – Lakshmi – Saraswathi who are celebrated for nine days, three each. And in another part of the country, Lord Rama’s arrival to Ayodhya from Lanka after the destruction of King Ravana is celebrated. 

In a different planet altogether, scores of Indians are using the festive holidays as a noble excuse to travel to their hometowns or to vacation locations such as hill stations, spending time with their own selves, their families and friends and by boosting the local economy. 

In Tamil Nadu, especially in the city of my Madras (now known as Chennai), the festivities are largely around two areas – festivities and special pujas at temples and the revered Navarathri Kolu – the doll exhibition display at homes. The origin of this cultural aspect of displaying dolls at homes is not exactly clear from our past texts but has been a practice for long. 

What we understand from elders and those from previous generations, is that during this period, scores of dolls made of clay and painted with colourful vignettes were displayed at temples of yore, so devotees can see how the idols and forms of Gods and Goddesses are at various shrines in the Bharatha desa (desam / desh for those who prefer that way!). 

This was because mobility of people across the country was quite limited over 100-200 years ago and one would just have to imagine how idols were imagined, based on texts and hear say. 

What began as a display at temples slowly penetrated to homes, with similar displays coming up at houses. Families and households would alternate and exchange the idol displays at their homes each year and the entire celebration would be around the nine-day festival. 

Visitors would go hopping from one home to another to see the dolls’ display, sing songs on the deities, chant religious texts, exchange gifts and have a hearty laughter with their kith and kin.

The local economy, meanwhile thrived. It was the smallest of the sellers, vendors and retailers who would serve the society with their requirements and hence made handsome money during this time. Food items, especially the nine pulses are served by host families to guests.

From the neighbourhood grocer to the unorganised sellers of flowers, fruits and other household items are the biggest beneficiaries, come Navarathri, especiallin in Tamil Nadu. 

The past fortnight for us has been among the most fulfilling over the last so many years when we celebrated the 9-day festival. We had over 50 guests come home and we visited several households too. Almost every guest brought us something and we reciprocated the same during our visits too. 

For those who couldn't visit us this Navarathri, here is the link of our home Kolu. 

I was so happy spending money with local and roadside vendors buying so many things and my better half went shopping for new idols this year too, just like any other year.

Festivals are all about giving, as much about receiving good wishes from friends and family and blessings from elders and the Gods. 

However, it is also about spending money – especially in the context of Retail – to boost the local economy. We did our best and ensured the “online shopping” from Apps with discounts were as minimal as possible – an anathema that the entire offline retail industry is struggling for the past so many months, especially.  

24 March, 2023

Three years after the first Lockdown!

On this day, 24th March 2020, India experienced its first ever full lockdown for 21 days. The entire country came to a halt; abrupt standstill of commercial and economic activities. The State & Central Governments imposed an extremely strict gag order that citizens were not allowed to even step out of home, save for buying medicines along with a proof of the most recent prescription from a certified Doctor. Each one of us in the country had a different story to narrate – some faced extreme medical challenges while many had other stories, such as loss of livelihood and uncertainty of the next meal, especially for the poor, the marginalised and physically challenged at that.

All forms of transportation came to a halt; flights, trains, buses and local transportation such as taxis and auto rickshaws. The retail segment was among the most impacted. It was a double whammy of sorts – those who worked in all other industries eventually spent their monies on Food, Clothing & Shelter. On the one side, shutting down the shops meant loss of business for the day; on the other hand, those who would spend at retail stores were themselves staring at a bleak present and immediate future, for many employers were not sure / clear how to pay for unproductive employees when there was no business at all. 

From the smallest kirana to large retail companies, it was VUCA in full flow – Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. None of us knew what would happen next. 

Slowly but surely, things started opening up from June onwards only to once again relapse shortly thereafter. This roller-coaster ride continued until May 2021, when a partial and a complete lockdown was brought back in several states. The festive season in 2020 and 2021 were muted, for, the majority of the retail sector and thousands of retailers were staring at several crores of rupees worth of stocks; unable to liquidate them to pay suppliers, in effect unable to buy new and more relevant stocks as required. Hard times, those were.

By October 2021, there was some semblance of orderliness that was back. People started to step out of their homes risking the dreaded spread of the infection. By then, most of the countrymen and women had taken atleast 1 dose of the vaccine and were now armed with the strength to face any eventualities. Whether the vaccine worked to its full or not – many had tested positive despite taking the shot – people had gained the strength to fight it. 

Three years later, as I write this note, I carry immense gratitude to the Almighty, my family, friends, former employers and colleagues, all of whom stood shoulder to shoulder with each other and overcame several obstacles. Though I too, like millions faced setbacks in the workplace, I am glad that it was this bleak period during which I could shine professionally with a few big ticket accolades to my credit. Signing up with Chennai Super Kings as beverage partner for Levista Coffee will be one of my most cherished moments along with placing the brand alongside Kamal Hassan in Big Boss Tamil. Working closely with Ad-film Directors, I co-scripted and oversaw a dozen films for Levista & Specsmakers during this time.

Joining Indian Terrain was a calculated move, but went awry due to various reasons. Some wrong calculations, despite various measures taken before and during my stint; so be it. Life moves on and keeps teaching us every other day! When we succeed, we learn; but when we fail, we learn a lot more. Wisdom is not repeating mistakes and I hope to gain from some of the key learnings I have taken during this three year period. 

Over the past 15 months, the Indian economy has shown much resilience. Retail Industry is back to its charm pre-pandemic, though there are a number of challenges ahead of us; inflation is pinching the middle class; over all cost of household has drastically increased, including fuel, power, road tolls, etc.; loan books by banks are seeing a huge surge, a sign of good times but fraught with higher risks as well. Nevertheless, I believe Indians are more hopeful now than ever before. And that matters.

PS: By the way, I am glad, that this happens to be my 300th blog article. No, it wasn't planned at all... 

31 December, 2022

Good Bye 2022, Hello ‘23


Here’s wishing you all a Happy Calendar Year 2023. May this new year bring a lot of happiness and cheer to everyone. On this day last year, I was working for Specsmakers, leading Sales & Marketing for the 10 year-old brand, the largest optical retail network in South India and the third largest in the country with 250+ stores back then. Around the same time, the scare for a third wave of the dreaded Covid-19 infection was all over the place. It had a new code-name: Omicron! Government of India as well as various State Governments advised several measures, including shutting down of retail stores, malls and commercial establishments over the weekends. Andhra Pradesh took no measure and maintained status quo; Tamil Nadu advised shutting down only on Sundays; Karnataka, however advised a closure for the entire weekend. Most Indians remained in a huge sense of anxiety over their careers, professions, businesses, kids’ education and so on. However, all these worries were put in the backburner as Omicron had limited or very marginal impact on most of us.

This is when the government pushed us to take the second vaccine, which ensured a quick and safe turnaround for the ailing Retail sector, which had taken the worst beating for the previous 18 months, ever since the first lockdown began in Mar. ’20. 

My career too, zoomed along with the fledgling economy. I managed to get back to the apparel industry, jumping ship to Indian Terrain, a 2-decade old brand, most famous for its shirts, especially the Madras Checks. The company operates over 210+ stores across India and I was responsible for the entire retail business, managing a turnover upwards of Rs. 250 Cr pa. Sales, Marketing & Branding, Merchandising, New stores expansion, Project Management, Visual Merchandising and Staff training, all rolled into me. In a span of less than 6 months, I managed to visit 96 stores across India, from Guwahati to Ahmedabad, Chandigarh to Nagercoil and many in between. The month of September was among the busiest in my career, according to Google Trips, which maintains a record of where I went, what I did and so on. 

Onam was the first big campaign that I undertook, visiting the state of Kerala 45 days before the festival and screening the markets. We sensed a huge opportunity with the return of NRI Malayalees to their home towns after a gap of 2 years, due to Covid-19 led travel restrictions. Interestingly and unfortunately, the sales uptick that was envisaged didn’t happen. One, there was a severe rain around the festival week; second and most importantly, sales (for most other brands as well) remained flat before and during the peak shopping weak. This was a learning of sorts. It is not necessary that Sales would surge only before the peak season, for the graph has been on the upward trend since Feb-Mar. ’22. We witnessed somewhat the same across North & West India, just around Diwali as well. No surprises here. 

However, sales for the entire retail industry surrounding fashion, apparel, accessories and lifestyle had reached pre-2019 levels or at par. On the contrary, many brands saw a volume decline (in Sales), but these were due to the making of the brands themselves. Wrong choice of (new) locations, unavailability of merchandise at the right moment and most importantly, staff demotivation due to reasons such as salaries remaining flat, lower than expected & delayed disbursement of incentives for the previous FY and overall lack of interest in the working environment are some of the key reasons why many brands faltered. 

I moved out from the company in November due to differences with the Management. No regrets though, every tenure and every day is a learning after all. Over the past 2 months, I have been introspecting on some of the measures I had taken (or rather not) which led to two quick exists in less than 2 financial years. I am hoping (and working towards) that 2023 and beyond is going to be a more stable period ahead. Everything is in my hands, of course! Happy New Year 2023 once again to everyone and may this year be joyful to all of us! Cheers. 

An International city sans Cafes

Trichy is among the fastest growing Tier 2 towns in Tamil Nadu. A lot of investment is being planned by the State Government, by setting up ...