Showing posts with label north indian food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label north indian food. Show all posts

05 April, 2017

D for Delight - Customer Delight

It is an almost daily endeavour for Retailers to “delight” their customers, which is perhaps the highest level of “Customer Service & Engagement”.  Brands like Apple, Gap, Disney, are a few global examples that have delighted their customers, which have become global case studies. Back home, Retailers like Shoppers Stop and Café Coffee Day have set very high benchmarks in Customer Delight which are continued to be emulated by small and medium retailers till date. One such recent example is restaurant chain “Rajdhani” which recently held a special preview for their preferred guests of the “Aamlicious” menu.

We were invited to be part of this special Dinner session on Monday 3rd April 2017 at the flagship outlet of Rajdhani that was held at Phoenix Market City, a premium Mall in the suburbs of Chennai. Even as we entered, the entire team who were eagerly awaiting our arrival welcomed us with a special mango-based welcome drink. The Head of customer engagement was personally present at the event who struck an instant conversation with all the guests. She was open to discuss the current business scenario and informed us that post Demonitisation, there hasn’t been much impact for them since a majority of their customers paid through debit or credit cards.

After a while of socializing, the team started serving the new Aamlicious menu, which is a summer menu with Mango, the King of fruits and the summer special as a central theme. There were starters, salads, entrees, main course items and of course the desserts. The Captain of the table explained each item in great detail and suggested pairing of food with the new Aamlicious menu. Despite our repeated requests, the team went on serving more and more of the tasty items that we were feeling over-fed in just 30-45 mins since starting dinner. I had to take a 5 minute break before the dinner was all over. At the end, we were introduced to the Maharaaj, the Chief cook who comes up with such delicacies year after year through extensive research and analysis of customer preferences.

To experience this menu, reach out to any of the Rajdhani outlets in your city.

So here are some lessons from this initiative of the Food Retailer about Customer Delight which is worthy of emulation by the Industry.

Remember your Customers: Every time you have a special activity, a new product launch or a new menu, do remember your loyal patrons. A single happy customer (like me) will talk about their happy experience to a hundred people.

Product Consistency: If you are in a product business, especially the food business, it is vital to ensure the consistency of the quality of the food items. It is one thing to invite guests but if the quality slips, everything is down the drain.

In-Store Experience: Retail is a business where no matter how many millions are spent on Marketing, Advertising, Branding & Promotion, it is the final experience that the customer encounters at the store that matters the most.

--> Customer Delight is not a destination but a journey which Retailers need to keep working on constantly, every day, every time the customer visits us.

Thank you, HR

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